- One-time Payment
- 4.6K
9,000 paid. CHARACTERZ is the biggest single library of 3D diverse characters in the world. You can use them in your products or for marketing purposes (social media posts, landing pages, blogs, newsletters, etc.). Or if you want – for your personal use.
— 9,000+ PNG files
of different characters – which you can use in any design tool, such as Photoshop, Sketch, Figma, Studio, or Illustrator. It contains:
• 2 genders,
• 9 new outfits (police, astronaut, chef, business, gamer, doctor, Dominican, African),
• 19 types of clothes (9 for man, 10 for a woman),
• 12 types of eyeglasses (6 for man, 6 for a woman),
• 26 types of hairs (13 for man, 13 for a woman),
• 8 types of facial expression out of the box
• 8 types of legs,
• 8 types of shoes,
• 39 different poses,
• 3 color skins as a bonus
= _**100,000,000+ combinations _ (9,000+ rendered out of the box)** 🦄
— Blender source files
— Blender generator for easier manipulation with the avatar
— Tutorials for beginners
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