- One-time Payment
- 1.9K
100+ paid. This is an full package of ILLUSTRATIONZ libraries. It consists of Adults, Kids, Elders, Pets packs.
In total, you can combine more than 167 Millions of 3D characters.
You can use them in your products or for marketing purposes (social media posts, landing pages, blogs, newsletters, etc.). Or if you want – for your personal use.
Fun fact: We worked for more than 1 year to finish this library.
What is inside? 📦
There are different packs of 3D characters:
– Adults pack
– Kids pack
– Elders pack
– Pets pack
– source files, assets, facial expressions, poses, outfits, we will render thousands of PNG files again, tutorials, randomizer,… and so much more! ❤️
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